Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Being Krista... aaaannnnnddd.... GO!

I own a business.  I sell sub-prime mattresses and furniture.  It's inexpensive, no fuss, and I can get people great deals.  I work by appointments only and typically schedule appointments as close together as possible in the afternoons or evenings, when most people are getting off of work.  The only problem (if you would consider this a problem), is that I have entirely too much free time during the day!

Enter: blogging.

I racked my brain for days and days trying to decide what I could write a blog about... what ONE topic could I center this thing on?  Hmm...  Could I write a runners blog?  A cooking blog?  A health blog? A housewife blog? A small business owner blog?  A blog about buttons?  I officially realized that I am entirely too scatter-brained to focus on any ONE thing for very long.  I also realized that in being scatter-brained, I have never really developed an expertise in ANYTHING, especially not buttons.  I am really good at starting projects, but not so experienced at finishing them.  I guess I have a lot of interests but no real passion for one thing.  That's when my little self-improvement angel on my shoulder appeared and reminded me, "We were going to work on that 'seeing things through' thing, but we lost interest..."  Yeah, maybe I should get back to working on that...

I am a work in progress.  I am my own pet-project.  This is my journey of self improvement and all the randomness that comes with it.

This is me, just trying to be a better wife, Christian, runner, business owner, cook, and craft-woman extraordinaire!

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