Tuesday, November 20, 2012

30 Before 30 Bucket List

An entire year ago, almost to the DAY, I started this blog.  Notice how active I've been in posting??

I have this fantastic habit of starting strong and then... tragically falling off.  I am one of those with many projects, half-finished (if they were lucky enough to get THAT far), laying about the house, crammed in the back of closets, in the bottom of a bag, in a dark drawer never to be thrown away or ever again acknowledged - in perpetual limbo.  It's a nasty habit and it needs to be addressed.

For this reason, and also with the inspiration of my dear friend Stephanie, I have decided to make a "30 Before 30" bucket list.  This is a list of items to be completed before I turn the big 3-0 on November 6th, 2013 (assuming the Mayans were wrong and we live to see 2013, after-all).  This PUBLICLY DISPLAYED list will ensure that I don't spend another year starting & stopping, but rather, I spend the next year COMPLETING all those projects and pursuing all those ideas that I've sadly neglected in years prior.  You are all my accountability partners and I hereby grant you permission (actually, I'm BEGGING you) to kick me in the butt over the course of the next year to motivate me to stay on top of the 30 items to follow (in no particular order):

  1. Ride in a hot air balloon
  2. Try 30 new beers
  3. Be in a flash mob
  4. Have professional boudoir photographs taken of me
  5. Complete a knitting project
  6. Grow a vegetable garden
  7. Start a blog (and update weekly)
  8. Keep a private daily journal
  9. Visit 5 museum exhibits
  10. Complete 30 Pinterest projects/recipes
  11. Learn a full song, using both hands, on the keyboard
  12. Read the entire bible
  13. Memorize 30 bible verses
  14. Send a care package to a deployed soldier
  15. Do 30 random acts of kindness
  16. Join a ministry at our church
  17. Take a class and ace it
  18. Apply for alternative teacher's certification
  19. Lead a classroom (of any kind)
  20. Complete a 10 day juice fast
  21. Pass all 3 skills of the APFT
  22. Do 30 pushups every day for 30 days
  23. Do the splits
  24. Interview Maw-maw (my great grandmother) about her life
  25. Lead a family prayer
  26. Make 3 new friends
  27. Try 5 different fitness classes
The final 3 items will remain private, 2 of them because I don't want to embarrass my sweet husband or his very, VERY sweet Mormon auntie, if ever she peruses this blog, and 1 because it's a surprise for someone else.

You may find that this list is pretty boring in general, but it was the best I could come up with on a limited budget (hence, no exciting trips to Fiji) and considering that I will be pregnant for about HALF of this adventure.  YES, we are expecting a tiny human in May (EDD = May 8th, 2013).  It is very exciting to be pregnant and to grow our family, but for the sake of the list it is also very restricting.  It will be a very busy year, nonetheless, and this list is simply comprised of things I've been WANTING to do but previously had neither the guts nor initiative to follow through.

You will also notice... Item # 7 is in the works!!  Blog started - CHECK!  Update weekly?  We shall see...

If you were to make a bucket list that HAD to be completed within this next year, what would be at the top of that list?


  1. YAY!! I am so excited that you are doing this. Hopefully I can do one of these with you (except the hot air balloon-no thanks!).

    I can't wait to read your blog EACH WEEK and I will be following it to help keep you accountible. :)

    1. Thanks, Steph!! Your list was so much fun to watch you complete (& help with a few items along the way), I just couldn't help but make my own! :)
