Thursday, November 29, 2012

Breakfast Obsessed

I am no chef so this will seem really simplistic to just about everyone, but I love breakfast and THIS SANDWICH, in particular, so much, that I just had to share!  It is my current obsession.

This is super quick & easy.  It might take a whole 10 minutes to make and can be customized just about any way you can imagine.  You can make the sandwich as healthy or as unhealthy (and ultimately more delicious) as you'd like.  I have outlined the ingredients I used to make it this morning.

1 Whole Wheat English Muffin
1 slice nonfat Swiss cheese
2 links of turkey sausage
1 organic, farm-raised brown egg
1 tablespoon of organic strawberry jam

I start by spraying some olive oil onto a small skillet and heating to medium or medium-low.  I then cook my sausage links according to the package directions.  Meanwhile, I toss my english muffins in the toaster on the bagel setting to toast the inside surfaces only.  When those pop up, I immediately put my slice of cheese on top of the bottom half so that it can start melting.  Once my sausage links are cooked, I set those on top of the cheese.  I then crack my egg in the skillet and cook it however I want.  Today, I fried it (don't worry, pregnancy police, I cooked the egg all the way through!)  When I'm not pregnant, I like it over-easy, but it can be cooked any way and still taste delicious on this sandwich.  When the egg is cooked, I then place it on top of the sausage.  To finish it off, I slather some jam (strawberry or any berry mix is my fav) on the top slice of the english muffin & place on top of everything else.

The final result is a savory and sweet, and reasonably nutritious breakfast sandwich!  I try to use the healthiest ingredients I can get my hands on, sticking mostly to organic, natural, whole foods.  When I'm being REALLY good, I use slices of pear or fresh strawberries to get the sweetness, rather than using jam!  The beauty of this sandwich is that it's QUICK, EASY, and CUSTOMIZABLE!  

The sandwich, alone, fills me up, but if you're feeling extra hungry, serve with a glass of OJ and some berries or fruit.

I'm gonna eat'chya!
Someday soon, I'll share my special breakfast treat -- Homemade McGriddles!  To die for... but literally will kill you with an eventual heart attack if you eat it every day!


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